Sunrise in Katikati

Tucker in quarantine
We are settling in pretty well. We got to visit Tucker in quarantine on Sunday, he was super excited to see us. We spent about an hour with him and when we left we could hear him howling which was tough on Lara.
The weekend was productive though. We got a clothes washer and dryer, a refrigerator, and some other things at a Lions Club auction. We also got a bicycle for Lara and a Nissan Leaf. The Leaf will be delivered Thursday.
We also spoke to our landlord about how cold the house is and he was kind enough to buy insulation for the attic which I have been installing after work. It’s pretty tough to do as the attic is so low that I can’t even sit up in it. I have to slide around on my stomach, but it’s getting done. I found a bunch of cockroaches and a couple birds nests up there too that I had to clear out.
They are keeping me busy at work also. A bunch of people are out on vacation so I am doing some product design on prototypes for an upcoming trade show. It’s a good opportunity to get to know the product.
Sunrise over Katikati
The pictures are just from around my house in Katikati, haven’t had a chance to explore yet, but when I do I’ll send you guys more pics. Take care.

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